Grow your dance

school for free

Your school is already visible to over 5k users per day on the ENPNT directory.

Claim your school to become live and bookable to our customers.

No subscription or sign up fees.

Grow your dance

school for free

Your school is already visible to over 5k users per day on the ENPNT directory.

Claim your school to become live and bookable to our customers.

No subscription or sign up fees.

More reasons to join ENPNT

Find new customers

Free school listing

Direct digital marketing

Increase your revenue

Integrated booking system

Free onboarding service

Simple direct payments

Simple direct payments

Australian owned and operated

More time in the studio

More reasons to join ENPNT

Find the right plan for

your dance school

Find the right plan for your dance school

Find the right plan

your dance school


Free Always
  • Free directory listing
  • School location


$0 upfront fee
5% per booking
plus 1.75% + $0.30 merchant fee
  • Free directory listing
  • Free until your first booking
  • Custom school profile
  • Live and bookable class time tables
  • Teacher bios
  • Direct digital marketing
  • Visibility to over 350k visitors
  • School features on all ENPNT platforms
  • Free onboarding support

ENPNT Principal

$0 upfront fee
5% per booking
plus 1.75% + $0.30 merchant fee

Everything in ENPNT Elite plus:

  • Custom ENPNT onboarding EDMs

  • Tailored studio management system

  • Free tech support

  • Exclusive offers for in-school events featuring our ambassadors

First 30 days FREE

Contact us

Not sure which plan is right for you?

Set up your school


Claim your school

Search and claim your school via the ENPNT ”Explore” tab.


School profile set-up

Add your school logo, teachers, genres, and amenities, to show off your dance school to ENPNT customers.


Upload class information and timetable

Classes will be bookable to new and existing customers once Step 4 (Stripe connect) is completed.


Stripe Connect

Connecting to Stripe will verify your identity and take your profile live.*

*You will need to complete Stripe connect for your profile information to be viewable, and classes to be bookable.

Not sure which plan is right for you?

Contact us

Not sure which plan is right for you?

Contact us

Set up your school


Claim your school

Claim your school

Search and claim your school via the ENPNT ”Explore” tab.

Search and claim your school via the ENPNT ”Explore” tab.


School profile set-up

School profile set-up

Add your school logo, teachers, genres, and amenities, to show off your dance school to ENPNT customers.

Add your school logo, teachers, genres, and amenities, to show off your dance school to ENPNT customers.


Upload class information and timetable

Classes will be bookable to new and existing customers once Step 4 (Stripe connect) is completed.

Claim your school

Search and claim your school via the ENPNT ”Explore” tab.


Stripe Connect

Stripe Connect

Connecting to Stripe will verify your identity and take your profile live.*

Connecting to Stripe will verify your identity and take your profile live.*

*You will need to complete Stripe connect for your profile information to be viewable, and classes to be bookable.

*You will need to complete Stripe connect for your profile information to be viewable, and classes to be bookable.

Need help signing up?
Make an appointment below.

Need help signing up?
Make an appointment below.

Schedule an online meeting with an ENPNT team member by choosing the date and time that suits you below.

Schedule an online meeting with an ENPNT team member by choosing the date and time that suits you below.

Get the app today

Download now on your smartphone.